
Green olive tapenade crostini with anchovies and balsamic cream

Preparation time: : 15 min


200g of green pitted olives, 10 anchovy fillets with salt (half the weight of the olives), some anchovy fillets to decorate, 100g of drained capers, 15cl of olive oil, black pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 drop of lemon juice, thin slices of toast, 30 ml of balsamic cream.

Preparation mode

  • Crush the pitted olives, anchovy fillets, and capers in a mortar, or a chopper, or pass the ingredients in a grinder. Avoid mixing.
  • Gradually add the olive oil and continue to crush until you get a more or less thin texture, according to your taste.
  • Season with pepper, garlic and lemon juice.
  • Allow the flavors to settle for 24 hours before serving.
  • Serve on crostini bread with a drop of balsamic cream.